Madrid Water is a mutual domestic water consumers’ association that provides tap water to members in Madrid, New Mexico.

Madrid Water meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6pm at KMRD, 2870 Highway 14.

Board of Directors:

Jethro Bawden, President

Rebecca Nafey, Vice President

Stella Linder Byrne, Secretary/Treasurer

Carl Hansen, member

Spencer Laemmle, member

Patricia Marquez Nix, member


We’re building an email list! This will be another way for Madrid Water to contact members about outages and other emergencies, organizational changes, and more. Add your email address and update your contact information (if necessary) at the form below:

Upcoming meeting agenda:


Monthly Meeting Agenda

January 9, 2025

6:00PM at KMRD

Board Members: Jethro Bawden, Rebecca Nafey, Carl Hansen, Spenser Laemmle, Stella Byrne, Patricia Marquez Nix

Call to Order: 6:00PM

Minutes: December meeting

Treasurer’s report; vote on reconciliation. President signs Secretary/Treasurer’s check

Operator’s Report

Unfinished Business

  1. Mutual Domestic

    1. Recoup money from PFAS tests

    2. Rate increases 

  2. Billing

    1. Delinquent accounts

  3. Capital Planning

    1. Fire prevention tank - AML project

  4. Roof catchment; hillside catchment: no action

New Business

  1. Open for Stella

  2. Matt & Stella extras
